And if…it was possible to know at any time all the activity in an organism (in each one, part or whole), observe the molecular dynamics, follow the biochemical pathways and biological processes, understand it…
The endeavor of the Portuguese Association of Proteomics- REDE PROCURA, our MISSION is to contribute to a strong proteomics community. Bring together all those who use or intend to use proteomics or are just curious and want to learn. From sample preparation to specialized equipment, we believe in sharing, sharing knowledge, sharing tool.

Being a member of PROCURA is to participate and get involved in our vision.
A PROCURA member is automatically an EUPA member earning all the benefits of that organization. If you are an young scientist (are you still a student or have you finished your masters or PhD no longer than 7 years ago?) You can also be a part of the Young Proteomics Investigators Club (YPIC) for free. You may enjoy all their free events. If you want to improve your bioinformatic skills join the European Bioinformatics Community (EuBIC) an EuPA initiative for user-oriented bioinformatics with a focus on mass spectrometry based proteomics.