Statements to streamline the presentation of proteomics experiments, data and their use have been put in place according to sound practice to allow their ubiquitous repetition and interpretation.

Molecular and Cellular Proteomics Journal

MCP guidelines serve to inform the authors of the items that must be included in their submitted manuscripts. These guidelines are also followed by several other Journals and have become a reference for proteomics publications, when reporting protein identifications and quantifications, targeted proteomics and glycomics results, providing annotated mass spectra and for clinical proteomics applications

The Minimum Information About a Proteomics Experiment (MIAPE)

The use of paper citations as proxies for actual omics metadata hinders the reassessment of data sets, and obstructs non-standard database searching. There is the need of public repositories that contain information from whole proteomics experiments; making explicit both where samples came from, and how their analyses were performed. Therefore it was defined the minimum set of information about a proteomics experiment that would be required by such a repository.

European Medicines Association – Bioanalytical Group

Data from bioanalytical Omics technologies are highly variable. There is a regulatory need to sufficiently ascertain the validity of these data.

There is a need to define the scope and extent of validation necessary for these methods, and how the standards should be set in order to ensure appropriate data quality for use in regulatory processes. From a regulatory point of view, it is also important to define the requirements or standards to which databases/data standards should adhere.